“Black Peter” 🎩
You probably already guessed that “Smart Peter” is a further development of “Black Peter”. The children's game has been constantly adapted to the current zeitgeist over the last few centuries. To this day, there are numerous versions of the classic game.

“Black Peter” used to be
“Black Peter” is probably the most famous children's game in the world. The game became popular in Germany in the 19th century. In English-speaking countries there was already the game “Old Maid”, in which the loser card showed an old woman. At the time, many offensive depictions of black people (or other people of color) were common. Unfortunately, that was common everyday racism back then.

“Black Peter” today
From the middle of the 20th century, the loser card in “Black Peter” was replaced for the first time by a black cat or a chimney sweep. Actually strange, the chimney sweep is considered a symbol of good luck.
What unites all current editions to this day is the game principle: in “Black Peter” one child always loses, everyone else wins. Educators also speak of a “negative game”.

“Smart Peter”
“Smart Peter” takes a new approach: Each pair of cards breaks with common stereotypes and role models and playfully shows children how colorful our society is.
“Smart Peter” is the winning card that every child wants to hold in their hands until the end. A varied game principle opens up the hunt for the clever Peter and ensures a lot of fun.